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Thursday 31 October 2019

Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop: Historical Costumes - Women's Classic Robin Hood Costume

Theme Halloween Costumes

Robin Hood Costumes

According to most of the original stories, Robin Hood was a man. And according to any good storyteller, there’s nothing wrong with taking a little creative license. So make a little tweak here, or a plot adjustment there. And while you’re at it, why not change some of the characters’ sexes? Look! We’ve already got a Women’s Classic Robin Hood Costume ready for your updated version of the old tale!Hey, this is a pretty exciting project. Do you mind if we make a few other suggestions? We were thinking that Robin Hood could be in love with a prince named Marion, who’s being held in a tall tower by his manipulative father in hopes of marrying him off to some rich noblewoman. Actually, that’s pretty much the only idea we’ve had about the story. Though we do think it’s worth asking Lil Jon the rapper to play Little John the merry man in the inevitable film adaptation! Or maybe that’s too obvious. Okay, he can be Friar Tuck!Well, whichever way you decide to spin your yarn, we think you’ll appreciate the look of this fun and convenient costume, which will make everyone think you’re a skilled archer and a generous philanthropist. And if you’re as noble as everyone seems to think Robin Hood was, we applaud you! But if you wanted to keep a little for yourself, we would totally understand. Hmm. Maybe it’s for the best that we aren’t in charge of the revisions!

Click for more details on this deal: Historical Costumes - Women's Classic Robin Hood Costume

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